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Identifying Yucca Plant

The plant can be found in the USA from the south in Florida up to the north in Michigan and from the east in the Rockies all the way to the Atlantic ocean.

This plant is one of the most useful plants you can find.

This plant has sword like leaves with a sharp tip at the end. Twisting white stringy hairs on the side of the leaves come through to a flowering stalk that grows in the middle of the Yucca plant at certain times of the year. The flowers have drooping yellowish white petals.

The specific type of yucca plant shown here is called the "yucca filamentosa". The filamentosa part means there are little stringy hairs on the side of the leaf.

Petals can be eaten raw but it is recommended that they are cooked. The young flowering stalk can be cooked as an asparagus and eaten too. The leaves can be made into a very strong cordage when the fibers are separated from the fleshy part of the leaf. The flowering stalk is an excellent wood to be used to make a friction fire because the yucca wood has one of the lowest temperatures for catching a flame. This beats most types of wood. The root can be shaved and used as a soap to wash yourself, clothing, hair, raw hides, and so on.

Tip - If you can't find a Yucca filamentosa, you can find something that looks like it. My experience is that you can use that plant to make cordage from it as well.


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